Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to add a USB storage device to your network

If you want to attach a USB storage device to your network's router running the DD-WRT v2 sp24, you should have the following materials ready and set up at hand.

  1. External USB storage device.
  2. Router (flashed with DD-WRT v2 sp24)
First thing first, if your storage device already has documents on it; back up all files to an existing folder and format your external storage device to MS-DOS format.

Next, you will want to attach the external storage device to your router's USB port. Navigate to Services > USB > select Enable for Core USB Support, USB Storage Support, and Automatic Drive Mount.

Give it about 10-20 seconds to show you where the external storage has been mounted.

Access to a 2TB storage device
In this example, the disk has been mounted here: /tmp/mnt/disc0-part1
Use this location to mount your disk in the terminal like so:

For the disk to securely mount:
  1. Open your terminal
  2. Type the following code into your terminal one by one. (Replace the segment in quotes to fit that of your external drive location.
mount --bind "/tmp/mnt/disc0-part1" /mnt
mount -n --bind "/tmp/mnt/disc-part1" /mnt
After you have typed the code in your terminal; type exit, and navigate to Services > NAS > and enable Samba. Type in your workgroup name and select the path your storage device under Path. Name your path and create a username and password used to access the path. Check the path name under Access Shares and click Save > Apply.

Wait about 10 seconds and you should then see your Router under your Devices. Select it and enter your username and password to access the storage device. 

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