Friday, November 15, 2013

Telnet/SSH Basic Command Lines

Here are the basic command lines that comes in handy while working with the DD-WRT firmware via terminal.

Basic Command Lines

<command> -h 
The -h flag almost always provides help on a command. Use it!
List the contents of the current directory
cd <directory or full path>
Change to that directory or path
cp <source> <destination>
Copy the source file to the destination
cp -r <source> <destination>
Copy the source directory to the destination directory
mv <source> <destination>
Move the source file to the destination
mkdir <directory name>
Create a new directory
wget <URI>
Download the file at the given URI to the current path
tar -xz -f <file> 
un-gzip and un-tar the given *.tgz or *.tar.gz file
rm <file> 
Delete the file
rm -r <directory>
Delete the directory and all contents
killall <program name>
Kill all running processes of the program
Show running processes
Show running processes in a graphical frontend

Try it out yourself and experiment by logging into your router via terminal. Once you've opened up your terminal, enter:

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